City Wide Paving and Masonry is a Long Island Sealcoating Company. If you’ve recently had your driveway installed, you will want to protect it. Sealcoating is the process of applying coal tar to your asphalt driveway. This application protects your driveway from certain elements that can damage it. Gasoline, Motor oil and other liquids can damage or stain your asphalt. Sealcoating literally puts a seal over the asphalt to protect it from these elements.
Sealcoating also promotes the runoff of water. This means water will run down your driveway to the street. This is preferred over the water seeping down into the driveway. During colder months, water under your driveway or in between the asphalt can freeze and cause damage. It is generally recommended that you sealcoat your driveway every other season. Some prefer to sealcoat every season. Your Long Island Sealcoating Company can help recommend what is best for your driveway.
Sealcoating not only protects your driveway. it also makes it look brand new. It provides a rich dark black appearance that makes your green grass or house pop with color. If you have Belgian block or pavers lining your driveway, sealcoating provides a great contrast.