Stone veneer is a protective and decorative covering for exteriors or interiors. The veneer is typically 1 inch thick. Manufactured stone veneer is a decorative building material. it is used to replicate the look of natural stone. City Wide Paving and Masonry is very experienced with installing Long Island Stone Veneers.
Veneers offer an additional layer of protection to your home. Many home builders will use veneers to give the appearance of a stone construction. The cost is significantly less using veneers than it would be to use full stone construction. Veneers also offer a significant increase in styles and color options. This makes coordination with your current color palette much easier.
You can install veneers indoors as a faux stone fireplace. For much less than a new construction you can simply dress up your current mantle and fireplace. Or you can use it for the facade of your home. Long Island Stone Veneers are an inexpensive alternative to real stone construction. Luckily, most stone manufacturers offer similar styles and colors of veneers. This means most per-existing stone work can be matched with new stone work or veneer work.
For a Long Island Stone Veneers consultation, contact City Wide paving and Masonry today.